You can claim a rebate on your NUT subscription for the current year and up to five previous years. The details below assume you were a Waltham Forest Association member employed full-time since at least 1997.

If you were employed in a different capacity - such as NQT or part - time - please contact us so we can work out what your subscription was for each year. Just edit out any dates / amounts that do not apply.

Don't just claim once. Because the subscription rates rise and tax allowances change it is important to request an adjustment every five years or so; or whenever filling in a tax form.


A five year claim may bring in excess of £150

Just save this page onto your hard disk and print off the relevant section once you have added your address and edited it as necessary. Alternatively e-mail us for a copy.


HM Inspector of Taxes,

London Provincial 6,

Rede House,

71, Corporation Road,




Tel: 0642 246331

Your Ref: 996 / B13ED




National Insurance No:


Dear Sir / Madam,

Re: Claim for Trade Union Subscription, S192 ICTA 1970

I am a member of the Waltham Forest Association NUT. I wish to claim tax relief on my annual subscription, including the local fee.

My subscription for 2002 is £126

I am aware that I can claim on my subscription for the last five years. Accordingly, I wish to claim on my subscription since 199...., a total of £......, with the annual subscriptions for each year detailed below:


1996 - £102; 1997 - £107;1998 - £110; 1999 - £113; 2000 - £117; 2001 - £121


I would be grateful if you would amend my tax code accordingly and forward any Tax Rebate that is due.


Thank you very much for your assistance with this task.


Yours faithfully,